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PPE - Locks

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Latch Tight™ Group Lock Box 503RED

The Master Lock No. 503RED Latch TightTM Group Lockout Box, red, accepts 14 padlocks or lockout hasps and can be mounted to the wall or carried from job to job. Lock box holds hundreds of keys and includes organized storage for 12 keys in back of box. Also features an exclusive, patented Latch TightTM locking mechanism that prevents keys from being accessed until the last padlock or hasp is removed from the box.

Zenex™ Safety Padlocks 410

The Master Lock No. 410DRED ZenexTM Thermoplastic Safety Padlock - packed in carded packaging for showroom display - features a 1-1/2in (38mm) wide plastic red body and a 1-1/2in (38mm) tall, 1/4in (6mm) diameter metal shackle. Designed exclusively for lockout/tagout applications, the durable, lightweight, non-conductive lock body is easy to carry. Padlock features a high-security, reserved-for-safety cylinder with key-retaining function to ensure padlock is not left unlocked. This carded product is suitable for display in commercial showrooms.

Cable Lockout S806

The Master Lock No. S806 Adjustable Cable Lockout Device, ideal for group & multi-point lockouts, features a tough, flexible multi-stranded steel cable insulated with a clear plastic coating. A tough, lightweight ZenexTM Thermoplastic body withstands chemicals and performs effectively in extreme conditions. Includes high-visibility, re-usable write-on safety labels to identify the responsible person & then erase for the next job.

Zenex Safety Padlocks 406

The Master Lock No. 406BLK Dielectric Thermoplastic Safety Padlock features a 1-1/2in (38mm) wide ZenexTM Thermoplastic black body and a 1-1/2in (38mm) tall, 1/4in (6mm) diameter plastic shackle to help prevent electrocution and arc flashing and to prevent electrical current from shackle to key. All components are non-sparking and non-magnetic. Designed exclusively for Lockout/Tagout applications, the durable, lightweight material is easy to carry and padlock has key retaining cylinder to ensure the padlock is not left unlocked.

Padlock Stations 1483BP410

10-Lock Padlock Station with Cover, Trilingual Labels. Includes Ten 410RED Zenex™ Thermoplastic Padlocks (Keyed Different), 2 Hasps, 24 Tags.


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